
EUROVISION CONTROVERSY | Carmen Calvo: “I wish we had never been bitches”

The president of the Equality Commission of the Congress of Deputies, Carmen Calvoparticipated this Saturday morning in a meeting of the Andalusian Platform to Support the European Women’s Lobby, the XI Conference “22F Day for Equal Pay between Women and Men and its relationship with Care”. At the event, Calvo presented her vision of her feminism, with abundant criticism of the “patriarchy”“and allusions to the controversy over the song that will represent Spain in Eurovision, Sluts. He also recalled that he is going to publish a book soon.

According to Carmen Calvo, “the last word a woman hears before being raped or murdered is slut. In case anyone thought this was unimportant. If we take this to Bendidorm, I’m going to Finland“. The former minister was actually alluding to the Eurovision festival, where Spain will be represented by the group Nebula with the song Slutswhich has caused great controversy.

The song ‘Zorras’

Calvo charges against the issue chosen to represent the country, which has bothered broad sectors of feminism: “It’s a song that wants to make money. The singer has said it clearly: ‘I reflanflinfla it to me‘. Zorra is what is understood in Spanish. I wish we had never been bitches“.

The representative has elaborated on the case, alleging that “with these debates, patriarchy, recycled feminism and those who do not understand democracy They want the debate to be around a song. Among other things because of ignorance. “You have to read before giving your opinion about things you don’t know.”

On the other hand, Carmen Calvo has exposed a vision of feminism linked to motherhood and the uterus. In his own words, we need “a treatment of motherhood in which the business side understands at once that this It is not a whim of women or feminists., is a capital issue for this country. Women get pregnant. The uterus is not a feeling, you either have it or you don’t have it. That’s the reality. Either we take a turn and see how we move forward, or we don’t get out of here. The wage gap is linked to motherhood. Please, do not turn in rounds”.

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