
BALANCE OF SOCIAL POLICIES| Cabra serves 612 dependent residents and helps at home

A total of 612 neighbors, 161 in dependency and 451 in home help, were assisted by the City Council of Goat throughout 2023 through its Social Policies delegation, through the Municipal Board of Social Welfare, as announced by the person responsible for said municipal area, Enca Priego.

An assistance that allowed the provision of a total of 188,021 hours to the users of these services, according to Priego, in the course of the assessment he has made of the work of his delegation during the past year, where he pointed out that not only is to provide aid to vulnerable people or people at risk of exclusion, “since it also transcends to encompass actions and programs aimed at providing service to a very wide range of the Egabrense population”, in matters as diverse as those addressed by the Equality delegations. and Women, Seniors, Health or Families, among others.

Among the actions and projects that have become a reality and that have been possible through the Edusi strategy, achievements such as the Table of Good Treatment of Children and Adolescentsor the Socio-laboral Insertion Itinerarieswhich have benefited fifty unemployed people with professional training in construction, plumbing, gardening and electricity.

Likewise, the aforementioned strategy has made it possible to carry out a study of unwanted loneliness among older people of the city, “an innovative project that has allowed us to have an accurate diagnosis of this reality that affects this segment of the population,” added the councilor.

Other objectives achieved by Social Services were the renewal of the Child Friendly City seal awarded by Unicef, with the mention of excellence, or the development of the Todos al Cole program, which allows better coordination with educational centers, families and the students themselves to avoid all those conditions that can cause minors to abandon school. .

More accessibility

In terms of disability, the promotion of inclusive initiatives such as the cognitive accessibility program in collaboration with the Autism Association Cordovaby which the pictograms that exist at the entrances to public buildings, schools, parks or bus stops have been improved and changed, to make these spaces more accessible to people who may need them.

Furthermore, the municipal delegate of Social Policies explained that, thanks to the subsidies to social groupsDuring 2023, a total of 50,000 euros were allocated to support social welfare initiatives, humanitarian action and educational projects for cooperation, reaching around twenty Egabrense and provincial associations that also operate in the city.

Enca Priego recalled that the investment made by the City Council in social policies makes it possible for Cabra to continue being among the ten most social towns in Spain, according to the study by the Association of Directors and Managers of Social Services. However, he stated that “we are aware that there are things to improve and we are working on it,” such as the appointment system improvement or the coverage of the vacancy that has occurred since last January in the Municipal Consumer Information Office. “The replacement of the person in charge of this service has been prolonged in time, given that no candidate presented itself to the call that was made for this purpose, so we have had to call this position again with the objective to be able to cover it as soon as possible,” he said.

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