
The emotional interview of a presenter with her mother: “How lucky to grow up next to a woman like you”

A presenter of the television from Castilla-La Mancha starred in an emotional moment that has gone viral. Laura Izquierdo, host of ‘Castilla-La Mancha Despierta’, interviewed a team of doctors from Hospital La Fe in Valencia, who have achieved a historic milestone: remove a tumor to a baby that was still developing.

One of those interviewed was Dr. Isabel Izquierdo, head of Neonatology at the hospital, who, curiously, was also the mother of the morning show presenter on public television. In fact, Izquierdo dedicated some emotional words to his mother live, which moved many viewers and social media users.

“We all congratulate you. It is certainly a medical advance to boast about and feel proud of of the professionals we have in public health. In my case, pride is double,” the presenter began by telling the doctor.

“I hope you allow me, that you understand, but Dr. Izquierdo is my mother,” the host revealed, addressing the doctor directly: “Mom, how lucky to grow up next to a woman like you.”

To terminate the connection, The presenter wished the doctor a good day, something she responded with a few words full of affection, blowing him a kiss from the other side of the screen: “Thank you very much honey”.

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