
The normal – Diario Córdoba

The three. Going against the current, dodging hundreds of teenage bodies that describe chaotic trajectories at the end of the school day, the mother enters the school quickly, needing to take off her jacket. She has an appointment with her son’s tutor and she wants to make a good impression by punctually respecting the time agreed for the meeting. She’s late. The tutor told her that if she reached minus five she would avoid the hassle at the door at dismissal time. She shouldn’t have entered Deza. The chicken breast, the fault lies with the chicken breast, which the child cannot do without to follow the diet. It’s all for the rapid increase in muscle mass.

The tutor, ─Physical Education, forty-something, more or less his age, close, friendly, smiling, not like the weirdo from last year,─ tells him that the problem is not just about grades, that what worries him most It’s just that lately Rubén is either sad or very angry, which is why he decided to send her the message, to tell her in person and for her to tell him if they had also noticed it at home, yes, yes, rude, as if fighting with the world, that The two charges that had been given to him lately for crossing the line could have been more, the other day without going any further in my class I saw him react to something stupid with an aggressive behavior that left me disconcerted… he refused to play basketball because I put him in a group that didn’t fit him and he ended up banging on the locker room door which caused him to hurt his hand.

The mother justifies that her son did not want to play because he is on a federated soccer team and soon has the semifinal of whatever. The tutor nods without losing her smile, although she responds that the risk of injury was minimal, that no student can fail to do a Physical Education practice just like that and that, in any case, Rubén has to learn to maintain his manners when receives an indication of what to do. The mother agrees with the teacher, man, of course, at home we deal with that to the letter, both when he is with me and when he is with his father… Problems? No, none, at home he is like always, affectionate with me and with his sister and without getting upset or anything… well, let’s see, some things of age, but the normal thing… it is seen that it is in high school where his wires get crossed… Of course, of course, count on it, we will talk to him seriously so that he doesn’t make a mistake, it would be necessary.

The mother leaves the institute at a brisk pace. It’s late. Heat. Her son will be tired of waiting for chicken breasts. The mother enters the house afraid, with a familiar feeling in the pit of her stomach. And again she thinks about what the neighbors will hear

** Teacher

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