
The PSOE delves into Feijóo’s turn with the pardons to force his fall as leader of the PP

The PSOE sees in the turn of the speech Alberto Núñez Feijóo on the territorial crisis in Catalonia, which has already caused enormous confusion within the PP, the perfect opportunity to finish wearing down the opposition leader until force his fall. The socialists cannot quite believe the blunder of their main adversary a few days before the Galician elections next Sunday. “This is more like a interim than to a permanent position,” he noted this Monday María Jesús Montero, number two of the PSOE, first vice president of the Government and Minister of Finance.

In some canned statements, without the possibility of attending them, much less asking questions, Montero has delved into the socialists’ strategy since the announcement last Saturday. turn of Feijóo with the Catalan independence movement. Although the PP leader has called for demonstrations against the amnesty and pardons, placing them at the center of his strategy against the Government, that day more than a dozen media outlets published that sources from his party leadership They admitted three things that went against his traditional speech: that Feijóo would be willing to pardon Carles Puigdemont if he repents and undergoes a trial, which studied “for 24 hours” the possibility of approve an amnesty like the one promoted by the PSOE and that does not consider that terrorism accusation against the former president of the Generalitat will have judicial proceedings.

“In agreement with the substance of our strategy, the PP has carried out toxic harangues to try to prevent democracy. He has opted for irresponsible tension out of pure partisan interest. We have heard everything, that we were breaking up Spain, that we were betraying the Constitution… And now we have discovered that Mr. Feijóo recognizes that our strategy is correct, after blatantly lying to all Spaniards with cynicism and hypocrisy,” said Montero, who has identified the leader of the PP as the author of the change on pardons. It was Feijóo himself, he explained, who transmitted it in “a meal with journalists.”

Final stretch of the campaign

The skid of the head of the opposition has iBrought encouragement to the PSOE before the Galician elections. After a start to the campaign in which they have opted for a speech focused on regional issues, leaving aside the recent vote against Junts for the amnesty, the socialists are now putting the grace measure and its policy back into focus of distension with the Catalan independence movement. The great battle of the party Pedro Sanchez In these elections it has never been to win the presidency of the Xunta. His candidate José Ramón Gómez Besteiro, She occupies third place in all polls, far behind the BNG candidate, Ana Pontón. But the PSOE sees in the appointment with the polls next Sunday the opportunity for Feijóo, who left the autonomous community almost two years ago and went on to lead his party throughout the State, to end up resigning, of his own free will or at the request of the barons. .

“Let’s go in parts,” said Montero. The pardons have contributed to advance in coexistence. Why then has the PP been criticizing the grace measures for two years? Why has he lied like that to so many people who believed him in good faith? But it’s not just the pardons. Feijóo also says that an amnesty was considered. It would be interesting to know if during those 24 hours in which he studied it, the PP consulted with Santiago Abascal. And if he said no out of conviction or because he knew that Vox would never support that measure. But what is clear is that he thought about it at the same time that he encouraged citizens to demonstrate against the amnesty. I don’t remember a greater example of hypocrisy. And the last confession was about terrorism. He does not see terrorism in Puigdemont’s actions. Why does he continue to instrumentalize it, why does he talk about terrorism if he doesn’t even believe what he says?

Sánchez’s main collaborator, finally, has stopped at the possible reasons for which Feijóo has taken this step just now. “We do not know if it is a panic reaction to Puigdemont’s letter,” he said, in reference to the letter from the former president of the Generalitat in which he announced that he planned to explain in detail Junts’ conversations with the PP after the last general elections. July 23th. “Everything will be known”, warned the Junts leader.

“Has fear to what Junts can tell. But if this is a controlled blasting, What will an out-of-control blast be like?” asked Montero, who demanded that the PP leader “ask for forgiveness from the Spanish people” and explain if he met with Puigdemont.

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