
The PSOE resumes the strategy of 23-J against Feijóo’s “lies” to nationalize the Galician campaign

Ferraz is betting everything on nationalizing the Galician campaign to undermine the leadership of Alberto Núñez Feijóo and push for an electoral reversal. The socialists have seen a great window of opportunity in the hesitations of the PP leader with the pardon of Carles Puigdemont to disavow his opposition strategy and denounce “his great hypocrisy.” Although Feijóo himself has clarified that the conditions for the pardon are not met to try to close the debate, the PSOE has clung to the information about the contacts of the PP with Junts to try to keep it alive during the remaining days of the campaign until 18-F. “All of Galicia and all of Spain have seen once again that Feijóo’s political basis is to lie,” explain sources from the party leadership.

The socialists resume the strategy they followed in the last week of the 23-J campaign, conditioned by pointing out the “lies” of their electoral opponent, and shake up their expectations. He wear of the PSOE in which all the surveys coincide, together with the effect of the useful vote for the BNG, we seek reverse and transfer to the PP with a sort of ‘déjà vu’ of the last generals. The person in charge this Monday of delving into the controversy over Feijóo’s turn, not only about the pardons, but also because of his doubts about associating the ‘procés’ with terrorism, was the first and number two vice president of the PSOE, María Jesús Montero.

Through a statement distributed on video by Ferraz, Montero delved into the fact that it is now known that “Feijóo lied shamelessly” because “they thought about granting pardons and legislating in favor of amnesty” to obtain the votes of Junts for his investiture. The same message that they agreed to launch all the socialist ministers in a flurry last Sunday to respond to Feijóo’s turn.

The PSOE stretches Feijóo’s controversy and does so not only in the expectation that the progressive bloc will break the hegemony of the PP in Galicia. Although they trust that this unexpected event in the campaign will be decisive in preventing the popular ones from gaining an absolute majority, even with caution in the face of the last CIS of “Do not sell the bear skin before hunting it”they do seem more confident that the leadership of Feijóo will be weakened.

If the PP does not retain its fiefdom in Galicia, they take for granted a race to replace it. If you do it for the minimum, They predict turbulence in the middle of the electoral cycle, which will continue with the Basques and the Europeans on June 9. “Feijóo’s leadership is more like an interim position than a permanent position. Feijóo knows this and that is why he is nervous and looking askance at those who encouraged him to replace Casado. He knows that they can do the same to him,” Montero pointed out.

The Minister of the Presidency and Justice, Felix Bolañosraised the consequences of Feijóo’s turn to conclude that “clearly conditions the legislature”. For “losing all his credibility” when it comes to opposing the Government’s roadmap, as he said, constantly repeating the concept of “the big lie” that seems to be emerging as the PSOE’s new campaign slogan.

Strategy change

The socialists seek to turn the Galician elections into a duel between Sánchez and Feijóo and to do so they have not hesitated to change their strategy in the campaign. To try hide the amnesty debate to encourage it to ratify a roadmap that Feijóo would have also explored. In this way, its objective to be focused is left on a more secondary level. the debate in the economy and the announcement of social measures.

Ferraz has taken the reins of the PSdeG campaign in the expectation of undermining Feijóo’s leadership through the pardons. To the landing of ministers in Galicia is added the prominence in the campaign of Shoemaker and the one that Pedro Sánchez himself will have during the last two days of the campaign. The president of the Government always defended that the PP would have agreed on the amnesty with Junts if it did not depend on the votes of Vox and now the socialists say they see his thesis ratified. “I would have done exactly the same thing.” if I didn’t have the extreme right as an ally,” said Montero.

Contacts with Junts

To corner Feijóo and keep the focus on this matter, the PSOE is now demanding to know if the leader of the popular parties met with Puigdemont. Explain your contacts with post-convergents to explore the investiture of the popular leader and “if there is any role for which a pardon is possible and how they justify it.”

In Ferraz they explain that the information transferred from the PP leadership to a group of journalists is due to a “controlled blasting”. A way forward in the face of Puigdemont’s veiled threat in a letter to MEPs that “everything will be known”. The letter was issued after an investigation was opened in the European Parliament into the alleged Russian plot of the ‘procés’ and it stated that neither these accusations nor those of terrorism in the cause of the Democratic Tsunami would have occurred if, instead of supporting Sánchez in the investiture gave its votes to Feijóo.

The script of the campaign has changed and the PSOE will do everything possible to ensure that it remains that way, at least until its closure. All of this, outside the radar of the polls, which the electoral law prohibits from publishing as of this Monday.

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