
The weather in Aljaraque: weather forecast for today, Tuesday, February 13

Today in Aljaraquea day is expected with mostly cloudy skies. During the early morning and morning, there will be presence of mist and fog, which could affect visibility in the area. As the day progresses, the fog will dissipate and give way to high clouds.

Regarding precipitation, no rain expected for today. The probability of precipitation is low in all periods of the day, so precipitation is unlikely to occur in Aljaraque.

As for temperatures, they are expected to range between 14°C and 21°C. During the early morning and early morning, temperatures will be cooler, reaching 14-15°C. As the day progresses, temperatures will increase, reaching 21°C during the afternoon. At night, temperatures will drop again, reaching 16°C.

Relative humidity will be high throughout the day, reaching 100% during the early morning and early morning hours. As the day progresses, humidity will decrease slightly, but will remain at high levels, around 80-90%.

As for the wind, the west direction will predominate during the early morning and morning hours, with speeds of 3-7 km/h. As the day progresses, the wind direction will change to the north and northeast, with speeds of 4-7 km/h. At night, the wind will again blow from the north and northeast, with speeds of 9-13 km/h.

In summary, today Aljaraque A day is expected with mostly cloudy skies, presence of mist and fog during the early morning and morning hours, and high clouds as the day progresses. No rain is expected and Temperatures will range between 14°C and 21°C. The relative humidity will be high and the wind will blow mainly from the west, north and northeast.

Information prepared using, among others, that obtained from the Meteorology Statal Agency. © AEMET. Data update date: 2024-02-12T22:41:09.

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