
A shooting on the New York subway leaves at least one dead

At least One person has died and five have been injured in a shooting which took place this Monday afternoon in a subway station in the Bronx district of the American city of NY.

The fatality is a 34-year-old man who has succumbed to his injuries in hospital, while the injured – three men and two women aged between 14 and 71 – are receiving medical treatment. The attacker opened fire on the subway platform after a fight and fled from the scene of the incident.

Michael Kemper, traffic chief of the New York Police, explained in a press conference that the incident took place around 4:35 p.m. (local time) and that it was not “a random shooting,” a individual who has shot indiscriminately against a train, but It was a dispute between two groups.

“We have made enormous progress in the fight against traffic crimes with an incredible Traffic Office. But right now we are in mourning and determined to fight against guns on our streets,” John Lieber, director of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.

The Police Department of NY is investigating the event and has indicated that it is a “very active investigation.” What is known so far is that there were two groups of teenagers traveling on a train, when the doors opened, one of the individuals in one group pulled out a gun and fired. People left the train onto the platform, where more shots were fired.

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