
The weather in Cabra: weather forecast for today, Tuesday, February 13

Today in Goat, a day with varied weather conditions is expected. According to the data provided, the sky will be mostly cloudy during the morning, with the presence of fog and mist in the early hours. As the day progresses, cloud cover is expected to decrease and the sky will clear, leaving room for some high clouds.

As for temperatures, they are expected to be mild during the morning, with values ​​around 13-14 degrees. As the day progresses, temperatures will increase, reaching 21 degrees during the afternoon. During the night, temperatures will drop slightly, reaching around 14 degrees.

Regarding relative humidity, it is expected to be high during the morning, reaching values ​​close to 100%. As the day progresses, the relative humidity will decrease, reaching around 60-70% during the afternoon and evening.

As for precipitation, no rain is expected today. However, during the early morning a small amount of precipitation was recorded in the form of drizzle.

As for the wind, it is expected to blow predominantly from the north during the afternoon, with speeds that could reach 28 km/h. During the night, the wind will decrease in intensity, reaching around 10 km/h.

In summary, for today in Goat A day with variable cloud cover is expected, starting with fog and mist in the early morning hours and then decreasing to high clouds. Temperatures will be mild during the morning and will increase during the afternoon, reaching 21 degrees. No rain is expected, but a small amount of precipitation was recorded during the early morning hours. The wind will blow predominantly from the north during the afternoon, with speeds of up to 28 km/h.

Information prepared using, among others, that obtained from the Meteorology Statal Agency. © AEMET. Data update date: 2024-02-12T22:41:09.

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