
The weather in El Viso del Alcor: weather forecast for today, Monday, February 12

Today in The Viso del Alcora day is expected with mostly cloudy skies and Scarce rain. The temperature will range between 15°C and 21°Cwith a relative humidity that will remain high throughout the day, reaching values ​​close to 100% at night.

During the early morning and early morning hours, skies are expected to be overcast with light rain, which could result in an accumulation of 0.1 mm of precipitation. The probability of precipitation will be 100% in this period, so it is advisable to carry an umbrella or raincoat when leaving home.

As the day progresses, the rain will decrease and the sky will remain overcast, although with less intensity. During the afternoon, the temperature will peak, reaching 21°C. However, the thermal sensation could be slightly lower due to the humidity present in the environment.

As for the wind, the southwest direction will predominate, with speeds that will range between 9 km/h and 31 km/h. During the early morning, wind gusts of up to 31 km/h are expected, which could generate a feeling of freshness. As the day progresses, the intensity of the wind will decrease, reaching speeds of 11 km/h during the night.

In summary, today The Viso del Alcor A day with mostly cloudy skies, little rain and mild temperatures is expected. It is advisable to carry an umbrella or raincoat when leaving home, as the probability of precipitation will be high during the early morning and early morning hours. Additionally, it is important to take into account the relative humidity, which will remain high throughout the day.

Information prepared using, among others, that obtained from the Meteorology Statal Agency. © AEMET. Data update date: 2024-02-11T22:41:10.

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