
The weather in Tomares: weather forecast for today, Monday, February 12

Today in Tomaresa day is expected with overcast skies and Scarce rain during the morning. The temperature will remain constant around 17 degrees during the early morning and morning hours. Relative humidity will be high, reaching 96% in the early hours of the day.

As the morning progresses, fog will be present in the environment, which could affect visibility in some areas. However, the scarce rains will dissipate and the sky will remain overcast throughout the day.

During the afternoon, the temperature will begin to increase slightly, reaching 22 degrees. Although the sky will be mostly cloudy, no significant precipitation is expected. The relative humidity will gradually decrease, but will remain at high levels around 74%.

At night, high clouds will be the protagonists of the sky, and the temperature will drop to 14 degrees. Haze and fog could appear, which could affect visibility in the later hours of the day.

As for the wind, the southwest direction will predominate with moderate speeds, reaching 28 km/h during the early morning and morning hours. As the day progresses, the wind will decrease in intensity, reaching speeds of 11 km/h during the night.

In summary, for today Tomares A day with overcast skies, little rain in the morning and fog throughout the day is expected. The temperature will remain constant around 17 degrees, with a slight increase during the afternoon. Relative humidity will be high, reaching 96% in the early hours of the day. The wind will blow predominantly from the southwest with moderate speeds. It is recommended to take precautions due to haze and the possible presence of fog at night.

Information prepared using, among others, that obtained from the Meteorology Statal Agency. © AEMET. Data update date: 2024-02-11T22:41:10.

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