
The weather in Martos: weather forecast for today, Friday, February 9

Today in Martosa day is expected with overcast skies and Scarce rain. The maximum temperature It will reach 13 degrees, while the minimum will be 10 degrees. The RH It will be between 76% and 95%, which indicates that the environment will be quite humid.

During the morning, the sky will be overcast and little rain is expected. The chance of precipitation will be 100% in this period. The temperature will be around 11 degrees and the relative humidity will be 76%.

In the afternoon, the sky will remain cloudy, but the rains will be more intense. The probability of precipitation will be 100% and the probability of a storm will be 65%. The maximum temperature will reach 13 degrees and the relative humidity will be 85%.

During the night, the sky will be overcast and no rain is expected. The temperature will drop to 10 degrees and the relative humidity will be 95%.

As for the wind, the south direction will predominate with speeds between 14 and 71 km/h. Maximum gusts are expected to reach 51 km/h.

In summary, today Martos A day with overcast skies and little rain is expected in the morning, intensifying in the afternoon. The maximum temperature will be 13 degrees and the minimum will be 10 degrees. The relative humidity will be between 76% and 95%. It is recommended to bring an umbrella and wear appropriate rain clothing.

Information prepared using, among others, that obtained from the Meteorology Statal Agency. © AEMET. Data update date: 2024-02-08T22:41:08.

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