
The weather on Isla Cristina: weather forecast for today, Friday, February 9

Today in Christina Islanda day is expected with mostly cloudy skies and intermittent rains. During the early morning and morning hours, the sky will be covered with light rain, but as the day progresses, the intensity of the rain will increase. In the afternoon, there are expected to be thunderstorms with little rain, which could create a more unstable environment.

The temperature will remain fairly constant throughout the day, with values ​​that will range between 14 and 19 degrees. During the night, the temperature will drop slightly, reaching 13 degrees. On the other hand, the relative humidity will be high throughout the day, exceeding 90% in most periods.

As for the wind, the southwest direction will predominate, with speeds that will range between 5 and 50 km/h. During the early morning, maximum gusts of up to 72 km/h are expected, which indicates that there will be strong winds in the area. As the day progresses, the wind intensity will decrease, but will remain present throughout the day.

As for precipitation chances, there is expected to be a 100% chance of rain during the early morning and morning hours. However, this probability will decrease as the day progresses, reaching 0% during the night. Additionally, there is an 80% chance of thunderstorms during the afternoon, indicating that there is a high chance of thunderstorms in the area.

In summary, today Christina Island A day with mostly cloudy skies and intermittent rain is expected. The temperature will remain constant throughout the day, with values ​​that will range between 14 and 19 degrees. The wind will be variable, with maximum gusts of up to 72 km/h during the early morning. Additionally, there is a high chance of rain during the early morning and morning hours, and a high chance of thunderstorms during the afternoon.

Information prepared using, among others, that obtained from the Meteorology Statal Agency. © AEMET. Data update date: 2024-02-08T22:41:08.

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