
The weather in Moguer: weather forecast for today, Monday, February 12

Today in Moguer, the weather will be mostly overcast throughout the day. The maximum temperature will reach 21 degrees during the afternoon, while the minimum will be 14 degrees at night. The relative humidity will be high, with values ​​ranging between 76% and 100%.

During the morning, the sky will be overcast and little rain is expected. The probability of precipitation will be 95% and the probability of a storm will be 45%. The wind will blow from the southwest with a maximum speed of 25 km/h.

As the day progresses, skies will remain overcast, but the light rain will decrease. The probability of precipitation will be 70% during the afternoon and 15% at night. The probability of a storm will also decrease, being 35% during the afternoon and 0% at night.

During the afternoon, the temperature will peak at 21 degrees. The sky will be very cloudy and the relative humidity will be 81%. The wind will blow from the southwest with a maximum speed of 26 km/h.

As night falls, the sky will remain overcast, but the sparse rain will cease. The temperature will drop to 14 degrees and the relative humidity will reach 100%. The wind will slow down, blowing from the southwest with a maximum speed of 7 km/h.

In summary, today Moguer A mostly overcast day is expected, with little rain during the morning and a decrease in precipitation throughout the day. The maximum temperature will be 21 degrees during the afternoon and the minimum will be 14 degrees at night. The relative humidity will be high, ranging between 76% and 100%. The wind will blow from the southwest with maximum speeds of 25 km/h during the morning and 7 km/h at night.

Information prepared using, among others, that obtained from the Meteorology Statal Agency. © AEMET. Data update date: 2024-02-11T22:41:10.

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