
The weather in Morón de la Frontera: weather forecast for today, Friday, February 9

Today in Morón de la Frontera, a covered day with little rain is expected during the morning and afternoon. The sky will be cloudy with intervals of rain throughout the day. The maximum temperature will be 16 degrees during the afternoon, while the minimum will be 12 degrees during the early morning.

The relative humidity will be high, with values ​​ranging between 77% and 100%. This means that the environment will be quite humid and may feel somewhat heavy. In addition, the wind is expected to blow from the south with speeds that will reach 44 kilometers per hour during the morning.

During the night, the sky will be cloudy and the temperature will drop to 12 degrees. No significant rainfall is expected overnight, but some light rainfall is possible.

Regarding the probabilities of precipitation, a 100% probability of rain is expected during the morning and afternoon, while during the night the probability will decrease. There is also a 20% chance of thunderstorms during the morning, increasing to 70% during the afternoon and decreasing to 60% overnight.

In summary, today Morón de la Frontera A day with overcast skies and little rain is expected throughout the day. Temperatures will range between 12 and 16 degrees, with high relative humidity and southerly winds. It is recommended to bring an umbrella and dress appropriately for the rain.

Information prepared using, among others, that obtained from the Meteorology Statal Agency. © AEMET. Data update date: 2024-02-08T22:41:08.

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