
Weather in Montilla: weather forecast for today, Friday, February 9

Today in Montillaa day is expected with overcast skies and Scarce rain during the morning and afternoon. The temperature will remain constant, with values ​​around 11-14 degrees. Relative humidity will be high, reaching values ​​close to 100% at night.

During the morning, the sky will be covered with light rain, which means that there will be low intensity precipitation. The probability of rain will be 100% in this period. The temperature will remain around 11 degrees, while the relative humidity will be around 82%.

As the morning progresses, the rain will intensify and the sky will remain overcast. The chance of rain will remain at 100% until noon. The temperature will increase slightly, reaching 12 degrees, and the relative humidity will rise to 88%.

During the afternoon, the sky will continue to be cloudy and the rain will persist. The probability of rain will remain at 100% until the afternoon. The temperature will remain around 12-14 degrees, while the relative humidity will reach values ​​close to 90%.

At night, light rain will continue and the sky will be overcast. The chance of rain will decrease to 80% during this hour. The temperature will drop slightly, reaching 11 degrees, and the relative humidity will remain high, around 92%.

As for the wind, the south direction will predominate, with speeds that will range between 15 and 33 km/h. During the afternoon, wind gusts of up to 51 km/h are expected.

In summary, today Montilla A day with overcast skies and little rain is expected throughout the day. Temperatures will remain constant, with values ​​around 11-14 degrees. Relative humidity will be high, reaching values ​​close to 100% at night. It is recommended to bring an umbrella and wear appropriate rain clothing.

Information prepared using, among others, that obtained from the Meteorology Statal Agency. © AEMET. Data update date: 2024-02-08T22:41:08.

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