Today in Ubedaa day is expected with mostly cloudy skies and Scarce rain. During the morning and afternoon, cloudiness and precipitation will continue, although they will be more intense in the early morning. The temperature will remain constant throughout the day, with values that will range between 8 and 17 degrees.
Regarding relative humidity, it is expected to remain high during the morning and afternoon, reaching values close to 100%. However, as the afternoon progresses, humidity will gradually decrease, reaching 79% overnight.
As for the wind, the west direction will predominate throughout the day, with speeds that will range between 5 and 30 km/h. During the early morning, stronger gusts of wind are expected, reaching 54 km/h.
Regarding the probabilities of precipitation, during the early morning and morning hours a high probability of rain is expected, reaching 100%. However, as the day progresses, the chance of precipitation will decrease, reaching 35% during the afternoon and 0% at night.
Regarding special meteorological phenomena, the presence of fog is expected during the morning and afternoon, with a probability of 81%. In addition, the presence of fog is expected during the morning, with a probability of 82%.
In summary, today Ubeda A mostly cloudy day is expected, with little rain and mild temperatures. It is recommended to bring an umbrella and wear appropriate rain clothing. Additionally, caution should be exercised when driving due to the presence of fog.
Information prepared using, among others, that obtained from the Meteorology Statal Agency. © AEMET. Data update date: 2024-02-11T22:41:10.