
The weather in Utrera: weather forecast for today, Monday, February 12

Today in Utreraa day is expected with overcast skies and Scarce rain for most of the day. The temperature will remain constant around 17 degrees during the morning and afternoon. However, as the afternoon progresses, the temperature will begin to drop, reaching 16 degrees during the night.

Relative humidity will be high throughout the day, with values ​​ranging between 86% and 97%. This means that the environment will be quite humid, which could make the weather feel colder than the actual temperature indicates.

As for the wind, the southwest direction will predominate, with speeds that will range from 10 to 33 kilometers per hour. During the morning and afternoon, the wind will be stronger, reaching maximum gusts of up to 49 kilometers per hour. However, as the night progresses, the intensity of the wind will decrease.

As for precipitation, it is expected to rain lightly throughout the day, with accumulations that will not exceed 1.2 millimeters. The probability of rain will be 100% during the early morning and morning hours, decreasing to 50% during the afternoon and reaching 0% at night.

Additionally, there is a 50% chance of thunderstorms during the early morning and morning hours, which will decrease to 40% during the afternoon and reach 0% overnight.

In short, the day Utrera It will be characterized by overcast skies, little rain and mild temperatures. It is recommended to bring an umbrella and wear appropriate rain clothing. Additionally, it is important to use caution when driving due to weather conditions.

Information prepared using, among others, that obtained from the Meteorology Statal Agency. © AEMET. Data update date: 2024-02-11T22:41:10.

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