
To the west of the Andes on the next TRAVEL Expedition to Chilean Patagonia

Framed in his iconic journeys, Travel proposes another new route from October 28 to November 10, organized by Navy Blue Travel. A tour dominated by the most impressive and spectacular landscapes of nature: glaciers, mountain ranges, lakes, waterfalls and frozen peaks. Chilean Patagonia is an authentic destination that is difficult to forget.

The trip will be made in the company of the director of VIAJAR magazine, Josep María Palau. Photographer, journalist and university professor, his vocation has always been to travel the world, whether as a special envoy in war conflicts or collaborating with the most prestigious newspapers in the travel sector.

To the west of the Andes on the next TRAVEL Expedition to Chilean Patagonia. iStock

Traditional charm

The first stop of our expeditionaries is the city of Santiago, which stands out as a cosmopolitan and vibrant capital that perfectly combines modernity and tradition. Our tour will allow you to learn about its origin and its most emblematic places, such as the Plaza de Armas, the Metropolitan Cathedral, the Post Office building and the Municipality of Santiago, as well as the Palacio de La Moneda; seat of government, and the most traditional neighborhoods of the historic center of the city. A walk through the Parque Forestal to the Bellavista neighborhood, an area that brings together the best of Santiago’s bohemian panorama, and climbing San Cristóbal Hill to obtain the best panoramic views of the city is essential.

To the west of the Andes on the next TRAVEL Expedition to Chilean Patagonia. iStock

Mandatory destinations

We will continue our expedition through Valparaiso and Black Island, both cities related to Pablo Neruda. The first was founded in the 16th century and declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2003, with a unique and fascinating architecture full of alleys and endless stairs among which you can find the house museum ”La Sebastiana”, dedicated to the poet. On Isla Negra, we can also see the treasures collected by the Nobel Prize winner in Literature throughout his life.

Other key destinations on this trip are Montt portwhere we will visit the picturesque Angelmó cove and its market, and Puerto Varasa city with streets decorated with rose gardens and beautiful views of Lake Llanquihue and the Osorno volcano. Petrohue, is also a mandatory stop. We can enjoy a spectacular view of the turquoise waters in the falls of the river that bears the same name as the city.

It is essential to know the Big Island of Chiloé. We will visit the cities of Quemchi; with its impressive 569-meter bridge that connects the Aucar islet with the island of Chiloé, Colo; with its World Heritage Church, Tenaún and Dalcahue.

To the west of the Andes on the next TRAVEL Expedition to Chilean Patagonia. iStock

Chilean lakes, fjords and glaciers

From Puerto Natales, we will head to the national park Torres del Paine. Declared a World Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1978, this territory of 142,242 hectares is one of the best known in the world for its wealth and natural beauty, since the peaks of the Andean massif impact all who visit it. Furthermore, its glaciers such as Gray, its waterfalls, lagoons and lakes such as Pehoé, Nordenskjöld or Sarmiento, and its varied flora and fauna, leave no one indifferent.

In the same destination and on board the Skorpios III cruise ship we will sail through the Almirante Montt Gulf, the Kirke Narrows, the Pitt Channel… During the trip we will enter several fjords, such as Guillard, Calvo or the Mountains, and we will visit numerous glaciers ( Amalia, El Brujo, Alsina, Herman and Zamudio). An unforgettable adventure between ice, water and mountains.

To the west of the Andes on the next TRAVEL Expedition to Chilean Patagonia. iStock

The trip of your life

The TRAVEL Expedition to Patagonia Chilean It thus becomes a new destination for the legendary expeditions organized by Viajar magazine and which are inspired by the pioneering spirit of the great explorers.

Tanzania and Kenya, Yunnan and Tibet, Myanmar, Malaysia and Singapore, Antarctica and Japan… are some of the places that travelers eager for adventure will also be able to discover on other expeditions planned by Viajar magazine for this year. Experiences, all of them, that allow maximum interaction with the local culture, its gastronomy, its history and its traditions.

To participate, you can find all the information about flights, accommodation, price, itinerary and the complete trip program on the website: You can also contact via email: and by phone 900 909 698.

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