
FAECTA CAMPIÑA SUR CÓRDOBA | Faecta presents energy community projects in the Southern Campiña

The president of the Commonwealth, Miguel Ruz, accompanied by the president of Faecta in Córdoba, Francisco Molina, and the director of the provincial delegation, Rafael Santiago, hhas pointed out that “this is an important milestone because if one of the main purposes of a community or energy cooperative is to provide environmental, economic and social benefits to its members and the environment in which it carries out its activity, more than financial profitability, it means that in this region there are town councils and there are citizens who understand that this It’s essential, Because if not, the success and great response that the creation of two communities has had is not understood.” Ruz has also indicated that “today we take another step in promoting a more energetic model sustainable, in reducing energy dependence and contributing to the local development of our municipalities, since, on the one hand, these energy communities allow the citizens themselves to be able to produce, consume, share and sell energy and, on the other hand, they can also be a generator of employment and economic activity.” The president of the supra-municipal entity has also highlighted the support of the mayors for these cooperatives, “since his commitment to sustainability and progress is reflected in these innovative initiatives, which mark a new form of economic and environmentally responsible development in the Southern Córdoba countryside.”

Southern Countryside 1 and 2

The Federation of Cooperatives has collaborated in the development of this ambitious initiative to establish communities Southern Countryside 1 and 2, overcoming the bureaucratic phase and achieving a facilitating framework that has allowed them to present themselves in society. This elaborate plan has been coordinated since its inception between the Provincial Council of Córdobathe Provincial Energy Agency, the marketer Ekiluz and Faecta itself, after the agreement signed last June 2023.

The new cooperative energy communities have managed to link the land where they install their two photovoltaic plants, In addition to carrying out the technical projects and complete the application for subsidies to the IDAE call (Implementa 4). Finally, this program has granted 1,158,933 euros to the Energy Community Southern Countryside 1, S. Coop. And. and 1,075,954 euros to the Energy Community Southern Countryside 2, S. Coop. And., which represents a total 2,334,887 euros. Once the first phase is completed, the town councils will now process the approval of the Declaration of Public Utility of the projects, while opening the opportunity for more than 700 families and SMEs of these locations can join in self-producing energy that they consume with a minimal contribution to the cooperative community. For the consumption of an average family, this amount would not exceed 1,200 euros, with which they would collectively become owners of their own photovoltaic energy production plant. The projects also contemplate install ten double charging points to electric vehicles in those locations decided by the town councils.

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