
Two hundred professionals debate the relationship between health and gender at the Reina Sofía

The first Equality Day of the Reina Sofía University Hospital have brought together more than one two hundred people from different areas of health and society to debate key aspects on which advance in terms of equal opportunities. The delegate of Health and Consumer Affairs, Maria Jesus Bottlethe managing director of the hospital, Francisco Trivinoand the president of the Equality Commission of the center, Ana Pelayoinaugurated last Friday this first event that has been received with great interest by the public.

This meeting, promoted by the commission, posed the following question as a starting point: “Health has gender… or does it?“, to which the speakers at the debate table responded and provided specific approaches and aspects to focus on to move forward and promote actions that could go modifying behaviors and looks.

In this sense, and moderated by the members of the Equality Commission, Mariana Molerothe social worker and sociologist responsible for the socio-educational groups in Primary Care of the Leganitos unit (Marbella), Azahara Marina Campos; the specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics at the Reina Sofía Hospital, Paloma Ruiz, the scientific disseminator on equality and health, Octavio Salazarand Francisco Rosales, representing the Men for Equality Association (AHIGE), debated and contributed very interesting points of view such as attention to transsexuality; the evolution in care during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period and the involvement of men in this vital stage; the distribution of care at home and with dependents in charge; the choice of reductions in working hours, sick leave, etc. for these reasons or the still sexist and taboo view on men’s health in certain aspects such as prostate prevention.

After this debate, a question period was opened in which the audience, in which there was a large representation of associations and groups involved In the defense of equal opportunities between women and men, she participated with numerous reflections and notes in this regard.

The director of Andalusian Women’s Institute in Cordova, Rosario Alarconand the member of the Equality Commission, Maria Jose Castrowere in charge of closing this first meeting that was a complete success and that invited the public for the next edition.

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