
PROVINCE TOURISM | The budget of the Provincial Council of Córdoba for tourism promotion increases by 13% in 2024

He budget of the Provincial Council of Córdoba for encourage and promote activities and initiatives aimed at tourism promotion of the province will increase this year by 13.3%until reaching 1,284,183 euros. This was explained by the Tourism delegate of the institution and vice president of the Provincial Tourism Board, Narci Ruizwho has insisted that “Tourism is a fundamental piece and vital economic activity for the province“That is why we increased the budget by collecting the proposals and demands of all the agents involved.”

“We seek to promote the province as a tourist destination of excellence, showing its diversity in terms of tourist attractions; because we have everything, at the level cultural, heritage, gastronomic, leisure and nature, adventure and artistic. Furthermore, it is about promoting and preserving the heritage of our land by focusing on the sustainable tourism“Ruiz highlighted.

As major axes in tourism matters, the provincial deputy has indicated that “we want to increase the projection of the brand’Cordova infinite‘, increase our support to town councils with tourism initiatives, greater reinforcement for the holidays of tourist interest in the province, greater influence in national and international fairs and the creation of synergies in this matter.”

The Tourism delegate has highlighted two issues, the recovery by 2024 of the call for subsidies for tourism projects promoted by town councils, “which is endowed with 200,000 euros, increasing 15% compared to previous years.” Regarding local tourism, Ruiz explained that “the promotion of towns and regions will continue to be promoted with a new edition of ‘Córdoba Infinite Activa’ (former Córdoba Singular program)”.

Sector fairs

To these lines are added others such as the promotion of the castles of the province – with the participation also of Iprodeco and Culture -, the commitment to the declarations of Festivals of Tourist Interest, the implementation of initiatives with Route and Inzájar, which have been declared Tourist Municipalities, and the search for synergies with the Córdoba Airport.

In terms of foreign promotion, the Tourism delegate has continued explaining that “we are going to continue promoting the province abroad, attending large events such as the ITB Berlin and the World Travel Market in London, and we are going to put special interest in markets like Japan and the US.” In the national market, the province has already been to traditional fairs such as Fitur and Madrid Fusion, in Madrid, and will also be in others such as Intur, in Valladolid. Likewise, there are promotional activities planned in Pamplona and Bilbao.

The budget for tourism policies also includes nominative agreements with the Patios Association and the Wine Academythe promotion of the Córdoba destination in magazines and specialized media, activities such as the Provincial Contest of Patios, Corners and Bars and the II Tourist Photography Contest and the commitment to signs of identity such as gastronomy, “to show a different tourist approach, always hand in hand with the appellations of origin”, he highlighted.

In short, Ruiz concluded, “the brand ‘Infinite Córdoba’ “It is a firm and determined commitment by this government team to position the diverse and infinite heritage of our land as a first-class tourist destination of excellence.”

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