
Feijóo accuses the Government of not wanting to “single out” Puigdemont in Brussels and “intervene” the Prosecutor’s Office to not investigate him

The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóohas accused this Friday the Government of Pedro Sánchez of “intervene” the Prosecutor’s Office of the Supreme Court with the application of article “155” of the Constitution and not wanting to “single out” Carles Puigdemont in Brussels, after the resolution approved by the European Parliament to investigate Russian interference and his ties with the former president of the Generalitat.

In an interview on esRadio, which was collected by Europa Press, Feijóo indicated that what is happening in Spain “has reached Europe”, where “they have been very clear” in defending investigating “any type of connection, if any, with the Putin’s regime.

“And what is curious is that the PSOE He votes in favor and then when he has to point out specific people, he doesn’t vote. But the truth is that in Europe the Socialist Party votes in favor of investigating possible contacts of the Catalan independentists with Putin and here it persecutes the judges, it disqualifies the judges who are investigating this operation,” he stated, adding that they live in a “permanent nonsense.”

Feijóo considers that Pedro Sanchez will try “until the end” to approve the Amnesty Law “because without amnesty there is no legislature.” “And therefore he is going to invent it, he is going to continue, he is going to insist, he is going to persist and he is going to make the entire Prosecutor’s Office look ridiculous,” he added.

“A 155 from the Government” in the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office

After the Supreme Court prosecutors have imposed their criteria and advocated for investigate Puigdemont for terrorism in ‘Democratic Tsunami’, Feijóo has denounced the “intervention” of the Prosecutor’s Office by the Government. “And in addition to all this, we have seen how, as a prosecutor said, how the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office, a 155 of the Government, has intervened,” he exclaimed.

Feijóo has stressed that the majority of the Supreme Court prosecutors “are in favor of continuing with this investigation” for terrorism against Puigdemont but “the prosecutors have been disavowed.” “And, in my opinion, humiliated,” he indicated, to ask that prosecutors and Justice be allowed to do their job.

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