
IMAE MANAGER TERMINATION | Carlos Aladro attributes his dismissal to a situation of “labor toxicity and institutional paralysis”

The manager of the Municipal Institute of Performing Arts (IMAE), Carlos Aladro, has released a statement in which he questions his “withering dismissal”, announced yesterday by the Córdoba City Council and that it is expected to be approved at the local government meeting next Monday, considering it “inexplicable and unjustified”, accusing the Culture delegate, in connivance with some members of the IMAE union leadership and delegation, of “engineering a grotesque story to justify a situation of occupational toxicity and institutional paralysis, already present and known, long before my arrival at the theaters of Córdoba”.

According to Aladro, his desire to “contribute to transforming the theaters of Córdoba into modern and plural spaces, full of creativity, community, coexistence and care They have failed in the face of the immobility and patrimonialism of a few people who “govern” everyone’s theaters.but perhaps they have been forgetting what the centers of restless, free and critical culture of a city are for.

The president of the IMAE, Isabel Albás, reported yesterday in another statement that her replacement as head of the IMAE responds to the “loss of confidence, since In recent times we have not shared his management of human resources in the entity“, and we have not agreed on their vision and strategic plan for the future of the municipal theaters of Córdoba.”

Democratic selection process

The still manager of the IMAE affirms that he sees himself obliged to “publicly denounce the lack of cooperation and support to carry out the work of the IMAE Management, from within and from outside, and the little consideration and respect to whom it reaches through a democratic selection process, full of enthusiasm and hope to contribute and add to the beauty and greatness of a city like Córdoba, with which I am finally completely in love.”

Finally, he affirms that he is leaving Córdoba “with immense sadness” , so that it remains “distant and alone, oblivious to its own possibilities of growth, innovation and scenic plurality, to which I would have loved to be able to continue adding alongside so many extraordinary people that every day I have had the immense pleasure of meeting, meeting and working with “. Finally, she conveys her “humble apologies for not being able to meet her legitimate and luminous expectations” and says goodbye “with my best wishes for Córdoba and its culture, restless, free and critical, until always.”

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