
JULY ANGUITA CÓRDOBA STATION | The petition for the train station to be called Julio Anguita reaches the Plenary with the support of 5,000 signatures

The proposal that the train station Cordova bear the name of Mayor Julio Anguita It will arrive on Thursday at the city plenary session. The municipal group We make Córdoba will be in charge of defending this popular initiative of the Prometeo Collective who wants him Córdoba City Council promote that designation of the train station of Adif (Railway Infrastructure Administrator) from the capital of Cordoba.

The Córdoba politician died on May 16, 2020, in the middle of pandemic of covid so the farewell to the city was limited due to the health restrictions of those months. The local government, then already led by José María Bellido, postponed the labeling of any avenue, street or square in the capital with his name. At that time, and now almost four years later, it remains an outstanding debt.

5,000 signatures of support

The initiative promoted by Colectivo Prometeo, of which Julio Anguita himself was a part, has already collected some 5,000 endorsements or signatures to his idea, and publicly groups such as the Communist Party of Andalusia or Izquierda Unida have shown their support. Adhesions to this initiative are collected through the internet.

It is not the first time that there is an initiative to name the Córdoba station after a local historical figure. On two occasions the Plenary of Cordova the designation of the Renfe station as Luis de Góngora, without that idea coming to fruition. The railway operator then requested that the administration that promoted the name change be the one to bear the costs of the new labeling, something that was not achieved at that time.

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