
La Crónica del Centro, the closest and quality information in the central area

Stop the rotaries! The Center Chronicleeditorial project of Diario CÓRDOBA, is consolidated as the free publication most read by the people of Córdoba. TO end of each monthcitizens will be able to enjoy the most notable information and relevant to this area. Copies are also available in numerous establishments From the center of the city.

During delivery, where can I get a copy?

• The reader of Diario CÓRDOBA, in front of the parish of San Nicolás de la Villa.

• Cruz Conde Street, at different points.

• Plaza de las Tendillas.

This editorial project of Diario CÓRDOBA has been published since September 2022.

Two readers of the Center Chronicle. Manuel Murillo

The closest information

The Center Chronicle offers close and quality information to its readers, including the most relevant municipal news that has occurred in the last month In the city center, reports about the history of the Center, its most emblematic buildings and the more human side of the people who reside or They work in this district From Cordoba.

Just one click

The Chronicle is also digitized and can be read with just one click. If you haven’t gotten a paper copy, you can access the latest publication through our bookshelf. Also clicking on the following image.

New year, new Chronicle of the Center

La Crónica del Centro is a monthly newspaper published since September 2022 and consists of 24 pages. Issue number 17, distributed in January, includes an interview with the councilor of Culture and Historical Heritage, Isabel Albas; as well as other topics of interest related to culture, societyhospitality and commerce.

The people of Córdoba will be able to purchase their copy of La Crónica at the end of each month.

A citizen picks up a copy of the Centro Chronicle. Manuel Murillo


The Center Chronicle It will be available at the end of each month in the Diario CÓRDOBA reader, at different points on Cruz Conde Street and in Plaza de las Tendillas.

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