
UNIVERSITY OF CÓRDOBA | The UCO relaunches the Alumni Program to strengthen ties with its community of graduates

The University of Cordobathrough its Vice-Rectorate for Students and Culture and with the support of the Social Council, presented this Monday the relaunch of its Alumni Programa vehicle for maintain contact between the institution and its community of graduates. This is how the rector of the UCO explained it, Manuel Torralbowho has indicated that “now that every time we are more in contact with the territory and with the business worldthere we find graduates of our university, who have a very good memory of their training and opens doors for us to undertake necessary and beneficial projects for both the company and the university.

The Alumni Program offers a space for reunion, continuous training and opportunities for networking. “We recognize the immense value that our graduates contribute to society and, therefore, we seek strengthen these ties through the relaunch of a program that promotes their continued development and its connection with the university. This is an initiative designed to maintain and enrich relationships between the institution and its former students. The program reflects the continuous commitment to the academic, personal and professional development of those who have been and will always be part of our university community,” indicated the vice-rector for Students and Culture, Israel Muñoz Gallarte. “It is, furthermore, a initiative that comes from the student representatives themselves and for whose implementation we have had the fundamental support of the Social Council of the UCO”, he explained.

In this new stage, the Alumni program is integrated into the Student Information Officewhich allows us to take advantage of resources and previous experiences to improve the offer and accessibility of our activities.

Alumni Figures

The Alumni program of the University of Cordova It includes various key figures within its structure, whose participation and involvement are essential for the success and enrichment of the program. Among these are the UCO Alumni, which constitute the basis of the program, including all those graduates who wish to stay connected with the university and benefit from the opportunities for continuous training, networking, and professional development that the program will offer. On the other hand, the figure is established UCO Alumni Mentor, who are graduates with relevant professional experience who volunteer to guide and advise other students in their job placement, professional development, or in the implementation of entrepreneurial projects; and finally, and Honorary UCO Alumni, distinctions that will be awarded to people who, due to their professional career or contribution to the university, have stood out in a special way. Their recognition will serve as a tribute to their social contributions, and as an inspiration for the community of current students, promoting values ​​of excellence and commitment.

The president of the Social Council of the UCO, Francisco Muñoz Usano, has highlighted that “our graduates infiltrate Córdoba society and there are many who express their desire to return to the university, and in this process the Social Council will try to be a “efficient companion”. “Initiatives like this ratify the enormous social trust we have in the University of Córdoba and in the person of its rector, Manuel Torralbo, who with his management and career shows us that the university is in a highly hopeful moment,” he concluded.

The general director of Estudiantes, Javier Cabeza Ramírez, has highlighted the importance of collaboration between all the UCO centers, as well as the Social Council, student representation, Fundecor and the entire university community to identify, involve and empower these figures inside the program. Likewise, he has highlighted the need to listen to the graduates, who can contribute ideas to improve the academic offer and how to strengthen contact with the entire business, productive and social fabric of Córdoba in which many UCO graduates are inserted. .

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